
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

24 to go!

16 weeks and counting. I have a very distinctive baby bump now! We have yet to have a "public pregnancy announcement" (as in on facebook). And I am not sure we will announce it til later on in the pregnancy...maybe even between 20-30 weeks. Very few people know, and to be quite honest I am perfectly fine with that. When he/she is here it will be such an amazing surprise to everyone.

jordon, the kids and I made a trip to Salt Lake last weekend and we ended up at Babies R Us in Ogden for our last store. We ended up buying a carseat because with my super small two door pontiac we weren't sure if we'd even be able to FIT a third seat in that car! I tried to put it in yesterday...hahaha. Its a VERY tight squeeze. I think that if its absolutely no other way to get around it will work, but not for very much longer! Jord and I are looking at spending a majority of our tax returns on a down payment on a car. But he is looking at actual CARS and SUV type vehicles that only hold up to 5 people..I on the other hand am looking for into anything with 3rd row seating (TOTALLY IN LOVE WITH THE MAZDA CX-9)


As for actual pregnancy related news:
I have a doctors appointment on tuesday the 25th.
Jordon has a list of set baby names he likes and is hardly open to new ideas..BLEK! lol this is going to get fun.
On my home scale I've only gained a total of 1.5lbs since my first appointment in December. (we will see what the dr. scale says next week tho!)
I havent had any morning sickness or any weird cravings. I am constantly thirsty tho!
We still arent finding out the sex.
We were worried about getting a 3D/4D ultrasound done because we didnt wanna find out the sex, but we've agreed that we will let the U/S tech know we dont want to know, and if by chance we get a "sneak peak" we will have only that to go by. NO doctor confirmations or anything. Just what we see is our wildest guess.
I cannot believe on how far along I am already, almost to the half way point!
Its starting to go by SO fast, but still not fast enough!

Well I hope you all have a great day!